Our volunteers are the backbone of our program. Without their hard work, dedication, and talents, we simply would not exist. Our volunteers have climbed hills faster than Billy Goats, and chopped trees like lumber jacks. They have traversed mud and sleet in pouring rain. They have worked through cold, heat, and just about every condition. Still, they come back, year after year. And year after year, we add more trees! Always smiling, always joyful, always ready to do what it takes to get the job done. Our volunteers are simply the best in the business, and we are blessed to have their help, support, and commitment to make the holidays brighter!

Our volunteers come from varied backgrounds and every walk of life. Some of the skills they bring to us are:
- organizing
- working with their hands
- hospitality
- project management
- construction
- customer service
- community service of all kinds
- engineering
- electrical
- logistics
- manufacturing
- event organizing
- website development and management
- social media experience
- graphics design, marketing, advertising
- and many more

Do you have skills you’d like to share with us? Or, do you just have time and a passion to help your community? We’d love to meet you to answer any questions you may have. As stated above, without our volunteers we would not be able to complete our mission.
Feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to sharing our program and mission with you, and learning more about you.
Volunteer shifts vary and are flexible. Whether you have a few hours or an entire weekend to help, we will find the perfect spot for you on the One Giving Tree team!
Can one tree change the world? We think so. Especially if that tree represents hope during the holidays, a reminder that life isn’t so bad after all, and that people you don’t know, nor may ever meet, care. One tree. One small gesture made at the right time in someone’s life can make a positive impact by helping to make the holidays a little brighter.
Can one tree change the world? We’re counting on it. At one Giving Tree, we say “Yes.”